Monday, February 22, 2010

New Music 2/22/2010 Persephone's Bees

Oh, I should be sleeping. But I am not. I haven't had a good night's sleep since I don't know when, but I still can't bring myself to head to bed. Sometimes the more tired (is that proper grammar?? wait, I don't care) you are, the harder it is to get to sleep. I'm feeling like that right now. Kevin and I took the kiddos to a waterpark hotel this weekend. Now, let me start by saying that I love my children. You know that I would only go swimsuit shopping in the dead of winter, and stuff my pasty-white-out-of-shape-ass into a tankini and wear it in a public place because I love my kids more than anything. They had so much fun and we did too. But I am glad to be home.


So, I can't sleep. I realized it's also Monday - which means New Music Monday!!! 'Persephone's Bees' is a San Fran based band that has been getting a lot of my attention as of late. They're mod and hip without being too out there. The lead singer, Angelina Moysov, grew up in Russia and was heavily influenced by the gypsy, folk music of her country and also the British and American rock music her brother was into. 'Notes From the Underworld' is a fun and spunky album with as much originality as Angelina herself! I had heard the song 'Nice Day' and liked it so much that I decided to check out the rest of the album. So glad that I did! Listen for yourself......

'Nice Day' - seriously, who needs drugs when you can watch this video?!?!

'City Of Love'

'Muzika Dyla Fil'ma' - yep, that's Russian....


'Paper Plane'

Nice, huh?? I dare you to try and stand still when you listen to 'Paper Plane,' You can't do it. I think everyone could use a little of this kind of music in their collection. Especially this time of year when you're feeling all blah and wondering when the flip spring will ever get here. So anyways, that's New Music Monday for this week. And I'm going to sleep now!!!

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About Blogging Molly

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I am a mom to three great kids - Ethan is 12, Abby is 9 and Lulu (Olivia) is 5. I've been married to my highschool sweetheart for almost fourteen years. I love to paint, renovate and live for anything DIY. I love music and I love to bake. I also teach dance at a local studio. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

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