Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Music Monday 3/28/2011 'Radical Face'

Holy balls, it's been a long time since I've written about music. I don't know how many people actually read my blog, but I used to post music reviews every Monday. With everything going on I just haven't had the time to keep it up, but I really miss it. But it's been so long since I've done it that it's hard to know how to start again. So here I am on a Sunday night trying to type out my latest find!!

We're at that weird time of year here in the midwest where it's not winter anymore (thank you, Jesus) but it's not really that nice outside yet. It sucks. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for some consistently warm temps! Being stuck inside has its advantages though. I'm getting a lot of projects done (more on that later) all while listening to some great new music!! One new find I'm really enjoying lately is a one man band called 'Radical Face.' Radical Face is just a dude named Ben Cooper who happens to be from Jacksonville. He's also part of other popular groups Electric President and Iron Orchestra. If you like Sufjan Stevens, Elliott Smith or Animal Collective you will be a fan of Radical Face.


Cooper's album 'Ghost' was four years in the making and came out way back in March of 2007. Why it hasn't gotten more attention is completely beyong me. There's a subtle layering of drums and lyrics and sound effects of times gone by - maybe one of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard. It is a discreet masterpiece. What makes it even cooler is that it's a concept album. The idea behind it is that houses retain stories of things that have happened in them. The people that live in a home leave their "ghosts" behind. Each track on the album tells a story - some from the house's point of view. Ben Cooper even talked about an old house he grew up in as one of the inspiration's for the album. I'm a dork, but I think this is so right on and cool. I grew up in an older home as well and this gives new meaning to the phrase "if walls could talk." Everytime I go back "home" I can almost hear the memories that were made there - making blanket forts, doing homework at the kitchen table, playing in the side yard..... It always made me wonder what kinds of memories were made in that house before I lived there. I think that's sort of what this album is all about.

Here are some of my favorite tracks from Radical Face's Album 'Ghost.'

"Welcome Home" - looooovvvvveeeeeee

'Let the River In'


'Wrapped In Piano Strings'


'Winter Is Coming'


I feel like this album could be a soundtrack for a little unknown, indie film or something. The more I listen, the more I love. I hope you will too!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was blown away the first time I listened to this album. I've not yet come across anything that compares. I still search the web waiting to see when Ben will finally release new material under Radical Face. I just hope it's half as good as Ghosts. I've suggested this album to several of my friends. None of which ever gave it a serious listening. I was just happy to see someone else out there that was as impressed as I. Thanks for blogging and awesome name btw. Love FM too!

About Blogging Molly

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I am a mom to three great kids - Ethan is 12, Abby is 9 and Lulu (Olivia) is 5. I've been married to my highschool sweetheart for almost fourteen years. I love to paint, renovate and live for anything DIY. I love music and I love to bake. I also teach dance at a local studio. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

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