Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Music Monday 4/4/2011 'Faded Paper Figures'

Can it really be Sunday again?? The weeks go so fast I can hardly keep up!! I'm going to have to type this out fast because I just checked the weather map and it looks like we're in for a pretty decent spring storm. Those of you who know me well know that storms are not my favorite. Guess I will be taking the weather radio to bed with me tonight!

The band I'm writing about this week is an indie electronica group called 'Faded Paper Figures' that hails from LA. The trio consists of John Williams and Kael and Heather Alden. They started writing music back in 2007 and ended up putting a few songs up on myspace under the name Machine Discourse. Obviously, they later changed their name to Faded Paper Figures or FPF.


FPF's first album titled 'Dynamo' was well received and described as "a balance of upbeat and soothing electronics.' They've been compared to The Postal Service which certainly shouldn't hurt their feelings. I personally love the balance of chill and fun these guys offer up in their songs. And not only are they musically talented, they're smart. Heather is currently a med student at UCLA and John is a professor of English and media studies at Yale. But they've still been able to follow their passion and make great music. Here are a few top picks from their 2008 album....

'North By North'

'B film'

'Logos' :) maybe my fave of all

'Polaroid Solution' sooooo Postal Service-y & yep it was played on Grey's

'I Fell Off My Name'

'The Persuaded'

Despite how busy they've been with school, FPF came out with a second album last year called 'New Medium.' I freaking LOVED the first album, but this one is amazing. I love everything! It's too hard to pick which songs to share here, but are my faves....

'Invent It All Again' LOVE


'You Know What I Mean'

'Small Talk'

'One More Crash'

'The Cold Wars'

'New Medium'

If you're looking for fun and upbeat music, neither of these albums will let you down!!! Happy listening and Happy New Music Monday!!!

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About Blogging Molly

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I am a mom to three great kids - Ethan is 12, Abby is 9 and Lulu (Olivia) is 5. I've been married to my highschool sweetheart for almost fourteen years. I love to paint, renovate and live for anything DIY. I love music and I love to bake. I also teach dance at a local studio. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

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