Tuesday, September 13, 2011

To Catch A Hamster

Cats supposedly have nine lives. How many, I ask you, do you think hamsters have? In our case, at least two. My kids' little hamster Lucy escaped from her cage in the night, ate mouse poison, got stuck to a sticky trap (DON'T even flipping ask) and lived to tell about it. Bad ass, right?

Just when we thought things were about the get boring (hahahahahahaha), she escaped again. We still have no idea how, but she did. We noticed she was gone Thursday night last week. We turned the entire house upside down looking for her furry little butt. No luck. I figured she was gone for good this time. But the kids put food out for her and in the morning it was gone. Sooooooo we knew she was still around.

After a couple of days of seeing absolutely NO trace of her, we decided to pick up a live mouse trap at our local home improvement store. It didn't work. She didn't go for it. Two days later, but still no hamster. Things weren't looking so good for Lucy.

And then just when we were about to give up, we came home this afternoon from running errands and who should we see hiding out behind the dryer but our long lost little hamster!! Thinking and acting quickly like Chris Hanson from "To Catch A Predator", Kevin grabbed a shoe box and sprung into action. WARNING: THESE NEXT FEW PHOTOS ARE VERY GRAPHIC AND MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN






Success!!!! We are happy to report that Lucy was apprehended quickly and that no hamsters OR husbands were harmed in the process. We have a new and improved, escape free cage where Lucy is now resting comfortably with her sister Fat Phoebe. Reunited and it feels so good!!

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About Blogging Molly

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I am a mom to three great kids - Ethan is 12, Abby is 9 and Lulu (Olivia) is 5. I've been married to my highschool sweetheart for almost fourteen years. I love to paint, renovate and live for anything DIY. I love music and I love to bake. I also teach dance at a local studio. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!

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