Man, we were doing so good! With Olivia that is. She's been healthy and happy for quite awhile now!! It's been such a blessing!! But this past Monday we had to take her in to the walk in care because there was blood in her urine. No fever, but I still suspected a urinary tract infection because of the way her wet diapers had been looking for a couple of days. Not quite right. She got to drink juice in the waiting room and charmed all of the nurses with her sweet smile like she always does. Then she went wee into the little cup like a good girl. After a few minutes, a UTI was confirmed and off we went with a script for augmentin. So far, so good with that.
She's been acting pretty normal despite how uncomfortable she must feel. If you're a girl you all know how much uti's suck. This morning we had to have a recheck with her pediatrician's office. Based on what they saw with her results and the fact that she's so young, they want to run some more tests. Hooray. They want to do an ultrasound of her kidneys next week to make sure there are no abnormalities there. The doctor said that sometimes there are kidney issues in some kids that they never knew existed. Then in a few weeks, they want to do another test where they put dye in her tubes and bladder to see what's going on there. The doctor said the dreaded 'c' word - catheter. Ugh. I so hate them. And I so soo sooooooooo do not want to have to put her through that, but I guess she's been through worse and this is something we need to do.
So here we go again. This time I am not googling ANYTHING. I am not looking things up on the internet. I will not freak myself out prematurely. I will not worry without reason. Ha ha, is what you're all thinking!!! It is so hard not to worry about your kids when you're a mom. But with all that we've been through, I have realized what a worthless piece of crap 'worry' is. It doesn't do you any good. And it sure doesn't do the person you're worrying about any good. Author and motivational speaker Ed Foreman describes worry as "nothing less than the misuse of your imagination." Isn't that true? It's so easy to get caught up in the worry and spiral out of control - at least it is for me. I really envy those people who seem like they don't have a care in the world!! While I might not ever be one of those people, I am proud to say that I have come a long long way in the past few months. Anxiety is a daily battle for me and has been for awhile. Every day I wake up and every night when I lay down, I have to make the choice not to let the fear and worry of the unknown take me over. Instead, I choose faith.
It's not as easy at it sounds! Writer and mother Karol Ladd asks this question: why do we harbor and savor our worries?? Could it be that worrying is easy, but faith is difficult? Faith IS difficult, but it's not impossible. I think we could all use a little more faith, couldn't we?? Now I sound like a George Michael song, but seriously. What is faith???? Faith is the act of trusting, believing and hoping in the unknown and the unseen. Faith causes questions and seeks answers. Faith causes you to learn and grow.
So instead of worrying about what these tests will or won't say, I am going to have faith!!! I will make sure to post updates as we get results. Please lift up some positive thoughts and prayers for Olivia until then!!! And I couldn't resist posting this video........ and no that's not me singing in the background!!! And you're welcome because you're going to have this song in your head for the rest of the day now!!! Sing it loud and proud!!!
Timeless Celebrations in Iconic Destinations
2 days ago
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